Please give us a brief overview of your achievements to date.
I am tenured full professor on Waterway Safety Management. I have been working on the safety of ships both in open water and in ice more than 40 years. My main research interests during my long career have been devoted to full scale measurements of ice induced loads and analysis of the ice load statistics, simulation of ship performance in ice, development of advanced structural solutions for ships and development of system level safety of marine traffic.
I have also been Vice Dean of the School of Engineering at Aalto University with the main duties related to the Impact and Innovation activities of the School. I have extensive national and international co-operation heading e.g. the Center of Excellence for safe Arctic shipping funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation from London during 2014-2022.
The aim and uniqueness of my present professorship is to lead R&D in the field of hydrography, navigational aids, fairway design and nautical cartography in Estonia and internationally, and to apply science-based solutions to the management of waterway safety and maritime safety.
How do you plan to make your contribution to the MriCybERa project?
I coordinate the action to prepare an application for the EU call: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (DN) to support the new generation of researchers in the field. The project aims to bring collaboration between the fields of Holistic Maritime Safety, Automation and Cybersecurity to address all these topics holistically in terms of both safety, automation and cyber security functions and pillars. The integration is planned to be achieved by combining world-class expertise on marine safety and computer science.
Contact: pentti.kujala@taltech.ee